Stefano Cingolani

Senior Associate Editor

is a columnist for the Italian daily Il Foglio and author of Guerre di Mercato


Europe’s dark hour

Angela’s blues

Longitude #55

How the car is changing

The car wars continue

Longitude #54

China’s unending march

The Chinese correction

Longitude #53

Working on the EU to come

Leaving is never easy

Longitude #52

The rising allure of the tangible

Back to tangibles

Longitude #50

Greece in the hands of the gods

The great Grexit bluffs

Longitude #47

Euro Sisyphus faces jihad

Until debt do us part

Longitude #46

The new world of cheap oil

Oil prices over the barrel

Longitude #44

China’s delicate balancing act

The Dragon’s dilemmas

Longitude #43

Draghing Europe out of recession


Longitude #42

Jeff Bezos tracing new directions

The Grand Disruptor

Longitude #41

Global rush in telecommunications

Everything everywhere and all-in-one

Longitude #32

Smoldering societies

Bridge to Utopia

Longitude #29

Why the economy needs fat ducks

The leaner meaner money machine

Longitude #28

Realigning a divided America

The next American century

Longitude #22

Swimming upstream

Made in Russia

Longitude #21

India - The floundering colossus

Potholes on the road to reform

Longitude #19

Europe fights to survive

Grow now, or be damned

Longitude #17