Issue #128Jul 2022 Leaders The price of disorderby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen War in Ukraine sets inby Mona MarcoTalking heads France's dark sideby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking The great resignationby Broggi DaniloMy cup of tea A lame duck's leap forwardby Castellaneta GianniOccam's razor Monkey pox's multi-country outbreakby Serlupi Crescenzi OttavianoSpace race Space pioneersby Tantardini MarcoTech Talk The great disruptionby Paliani AndreaPassageways Towards a cold deathby Incalza ErcoleUkraine The hotline of choiceby Rosso RenzoPotomac watch Biden bluesby Cianfanelli RenzoFeatured briefing The tricorn hat of chinese powerby Cingolani Stefano All bets are offby Cavalieri RenzoWarming bloopers Coral gene editingby Clini CarloNumbers The Metaverseby Bini FedericoCover story Is a global recession looming?by Tria Giovanni American gloomby Joveneau Marie Waiting for actionby Levi Pozwell Yosef Energy, the price of libertyby Massara Gaetano The daunting task of feeding the worldby Stefanini Maurizio Beautiful and well madeby Salzano Pasquale The winter of digital discontentby Verga Enrico