Issue #115May 2021 Leaders Capitalism never diesby Bianco PialuisaWidescreenThe first man in spaceby Mona MarcoTalking heads The war of successionby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking Don't panic. Take your towelby Broggi DaniloMy cup of tea Biden, the anti Reaganby Castellaneta GianniOccam's razor Where does our brain come from?by Serlupi Crescenzi OttavianoSpace race Ex Uno Pluresby Tantardini MarcoTech Talk Leaders of leadersby Paliani AndreaPassageways Twelve good reasons to bridge the gapby Incalza ErcoleBrazil A tricky puzzleby Stefanini MaurizioMega$port The too expensive soccer religionby Verga Enrico Wealth and debt in footballby Joveneau MarieLibya Libya to the Libyansby Mantovani Luca A war-torn countryby Joveneau MarieAfrica Best negotiations at the wrong timeby Bono AnnaPotomac watch Vlad, I’d like that you and me together…by Cianfanelli RenzoFeatured briefing The blood of tradeby Perfetto Raffaele No globalization without taxationby Tucci Stefania Manufacturing still mattersby Salzano PasqualeMegaphone The trust bubbleby Comin GianlucaWarming bloopers Wind blown disastersby Clini CarloChosen words Turkey's involutionby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Brazilby Bini FedericoCover story Thank you Mr. Capitalby Cingolani Stefano Big stimulus, big riskby Federico Carli and Ludovica Blotti