Anna Bono Author is professor of African history at the Università di Torino Articles Featured briefing NATO’s Southern flankLongitude #151 Africa A new era for South AfricaLongitude #150 Africa You move, you leave, you vanishLongitude #149 Africa Surprising Ukrainian entry in African conflictsLongitude #147 Cover story On the western shores of the Red SeaLongitude #145 Africa A dire backlashLongitude #143 Featured briefing The Waste LandLongitude #141 Africa A bloody power struggleLongitude #137 Africa Follow the moneyLongitude #136 Africa Africa in post-post Cold WarLongitude #135 Africa Too much to fixLongitude #134 Africa A hidden barbarous warLongitude #131 Africa How long will Nigeria’s oil last?Longitude #130 Africa Conquered by Putin’s promiseLongitude #127 Africa Why so many coups in such a short time?Longitude #124 India The wishful thinking approach to AfricaLongitude #121 Africa Five no’s, two worries and one threatLongitude #118 Africa Why fighting armed groups is so arduosLongitude #117 Africa Best negotiations at the wrong timeLongitude #115 Africa From turmoil to chaosLongitude #110 Africa The ugly truthLongitude #108 Africa The virus profiteersLongitude #106 Cover story The last chanceLongitude #102 Africa The endless warLongitude #100 Africa Hungry for moneyLongitude #98 Africa The real causes of the Ebola outbreakLongitude #97 Africa Good news, bad news, from AfricaLongitude #95 Africa Beyond state captureLongitude #94 Africa Overthrowing despots, not their arbitrary modelLongitude #93 Africa Change without changeLongitude #91 Africa The invisible peopleLongitude #87/88 Africa Not as you know itLongitude #85/86 Cover story A life jacket for the EULongitude #84 Africa Dreaming of African free tradeLongitude #82 Cover story China’s odd colonial powerLongitude #77 Africa Where money is not the answerLongitude #76 Featured briefing When aid itself leads to disasterLongitude #75 Featured briefing The elite poorLongitude #74 Africa Africans in search of EldoradoLongitude #72 Africa Political intrigues in AfricaLongitude #65 Africa A vicious circleLongitude #64 Africa How jihadists survive in AfricaLongitude #59 Global health threats Better safe than sorryLongitude #58 Jihad Africa under attackLongitude #57 Cholera Life in a time of choleraLongitude #55 Checkpoint Europe Africans bereaved of their futureLongitude #53 Africa African arms raceLongitude #45 Epidemics Love in the time of EbolaLongitude #43 The not quite pacific Indian Ocean Jihad flares up again in AfricaLongitude #39 Rwanda Africa in Rwanda’s wakeLongitude #37 Africa Killing Christians in AfricaLongitude #35 Africa Africa extinguishes its wildlife resourcesLongitude #31 Sub-Sahara Barack goes back to AfricaLongitude #29 Africa Africa uniteLongitude #27 Global food production Wasting foodLongitude #24 Something stirring in Africa South Africa’s mired economyLongitude #23 Africa Africa’s broken heartLongitude #21 Africa Somalia spreads its instabilityLongitude #19 Africa The perils of independenceLongitude #19 Land rush African land grabsLongitude #15 Africa Africa’s half empty glassLongitude #13 Horn of Africa Famine and the failed stateLongitude #08 West Africa Bringing on good times in GhanaLongitude #06 West Africa Nigeria’s run of GoodluckLongitude #06 Northeast Africa Splitting the differencesLongitude #05 West Africa Who’s next in West AfricaLongitude #04 West Africa Ivory Coast: taking the elections by forceLongitude #04