Issue #08Sep 2011 Leaders The fog of victoryby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen Gazzed up in the stripby Mona MarcoTalking heads Where the “stans” standby Biagiotti ValeriaWorld money More muscle for the ECBby Savona PaoloSmart thinking Bringing small businesses to the marketby Broggi DaniloMy cup of teaBring back the Marx Brothers!by Merola AlessandroIn Mao’s shoes Shanghai’s stepping it upby De Luca Vincenzo Balancing a rising giantby Bagella Michele The rush to rule the wavesby Parsi Vittorio Emanuele Generational shift in the CPCby Ferrazzani Edoardo Don’t mention the Yellow Perilby Luczkiw Stash The big leap forwardby Frattini Franco Why China need not be fearedby Park Han S.After the fall who will pick up the pieces? Palestinian maneuvers at the UNby Panella Carlo What to make of NATOby Minuto Rizzo Alessandro Looking at the Arab paradoxby Sadun Bordoni Gianluca The Moroccan exceptionby Panella Carlo Futures hanging in the windby Zannini Francesco The Arab winter of discontentby Ottolenghi Emanuele A relic of the pastby Caldwell ChristopherHorn of Africa Famine and the failed stateby Bono AnnaDebt crisis Debt was the price of libertyby Greco Richard Capitalism getting long in the toothby Cingolani StefanoBerlaymont A sorry state of affairsby Cerretelli AdrianaPotomac watch And they’re offby Molinari MaurizioWarming bloopers Painting the Blue Helmets greenby Clini CarloChosen wordsEuropean debt crisisby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers An alien in Europeby Bini Federico