Emanuele Ottolenghi Author is Senior Fellow at Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Washington DC Articles Cover story The looming crisisLongitude #148 Cover story The looming crisisLongitude #145 Cover story Resetting our policiesLongitude #142 Featured briefing Biden is back (America, not so much)Longitude #119 Middle East Hangman-in-chiefLongitude #118 Middle East A formula for strifeLongitude #116 Featured briefing Quo Vadis America?Longitude #114 Iran Obama’s not-so-rosy Middle East policyLongitude #49 Iran's game How the Geneva interim deal could backfireLongitude #36 Nuclear negotiations Going it aloneLongitude #32 Post-Qaeda Israel still stable amidst the chaosLongitude #25 After the fall who will pick up the pieces? The Arab winter of discontentLongitude #08 The sun sets on the West’s defense As the West lets down its guardLongitude #07 The West vs Gaddafi Strategic blindnessLongitude #03