Issue #142Nov 2023 Leaders Check to the Westby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen Finding a voiceby Mona MarcoTalking heads The long fatigueby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking Re-thinking the world of workby Broggi DaniloTransport networks The social grounds of intermodal connectivityby Incalza Ercole The only way to the future of mobilityby Tartaglia MarioOccam's razor When our ancestors came close to exctinctionby Serlupi Crescenzi OttavianoTech Talk Technological singularity and AIby Paliani AndreaWorld economy Weathering the barriersby Salzano Pasquale A time for crucial decisionsby Summers LarryPotomac watch The Middle Ages of our Millenniumby Cianfanelli RenzoFeatured briefing Undertaking an investment mentalityby Mauro Marè and Giorgio Alleva Avoiding medicine's declineby Confalone Valentino Looking for a visionby Gasparini Paolo Citizen scienceby Ansalone GianlucaWarming bloopers Devoured by sea riseby Clini CarloChosen words Hamasby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Sleepby Bini FedericoCover story Testing a reluctant superpowerby Cingolani Stefano Resetting our policiesby Ottolenghi Emanuele Separating fact from fictionby Joveneau Marie Far beyond the Middle Eastby Pezzulli Bepi Dotting the i'sby Nierenstein Fiamma