Issue #114Apr 2021 Leaders The age of contagionby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen 10 years on from Japan’s biggest earthquakeby Mona MarcoTalking heads The Quad, againby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking Ghost-kitchens, ghost-business ghost-thinkingby Broggi DaniloMy cup of tea The diplomacy of insultsby Castellaneta GianniOccam's razor The non-case of AstraZenecaby Serlupi Crescenzi OttavianoSpace race Outer Space tectonicsby Tantardini MarcoTech Talk The digital future of Europeby Paliani AndreaPassageways Lessons from the Suez Canal jamby Incalza ErcoleInternational trade China's gambitby Corcione Carlo Imperial expansionby Joveneau Marie The slow globalby Quintieri BeniaminoPotomac watch The un-answered questionby Cianfanelli RenzoFeatured briefing Quo Vadis America?by Ottolenghi Emanuele Bogged down in the great gameby Galietti Francesco Uneasy neighborsby Joveneau MarieGlobal issues How to sell a countryby Verga Enrico The value of nationsby Joveneau Marie A distinguished selfhoodby Salzano PasqualeLatin America Colombia risingby Carli FedericoMegaphone Omnichannel marketingby Comin GianlucaWarming bloopers The true value of blue goldby Clini CarloChosen words CRISPRby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers The answer is blowing in the windby Bini FedericoCover story The vaccine soukby Cingolani Stefano Big Pharma's best betby Corbellini Gilberto Vaccinating fast and slowby Joveneau Marie The safest game in townby Clini Corrado The vax soft powerby Bocco Giovanni