Issue #143Dec 2023 Leaders The American malaiseby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen The dark universe detectiveby Mona MarcoTalking heads Gaining the center groundby Editorial team LongitudeSmart thinking The Dark side of the Moonby Broggi DaniloAdvanced Therapies Sustainability of Advanced Therapies in Italyby Rosanna Sovani and Eugenio Di BrinoRail transport The odd dealingby Incalza Ercole Transport's new ageby Torchia LucaOccam's razor Theia's giant impactby Serlupi Crescenzi OttavianoTech Talk The social duty to performby Paliani AndreaGlobal security If not now, when?by Pontecorvo StefanoAfrica A dire backlashby Bono AnnaWorld economy In a world dangerous to navigateby Salzano PasqualePotomac watch Is Biden too pro-Israeli for 2024 voters?by Cianfanelli RenzoFeatured briefing The complex puzzle of the Middle Eastby Pezzulli Bepi A twist of strategyby Rota Marco The unprecedented dual shockby Federico Carli and Giulia BonomoWarming bloopers The fate of the icebergby Clini CarloChosen words American crisisby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Greenhouse gasby Bini FedericoCover story The Duelistsby Cingolani Stefano A tangled webby Joveneau Marie Voter's bad feelingsby Nardini Alia K. Biden's race problemby Stefanini Maurizio