Issue #64Oct 2016 Leaders The status quo illusionby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen Mission impossible?by Mona MarcoCharted territories Novosibirsk, the economic center of the world?by Jacobs FrankTalking heads Talking Turkey with the worldby Franciosi FabrizioWorld money Yellen presents a new same-oldby Savona PaoloSmart thinking The best of city livingby Broggi DaniloCybercrime Blockchain ransoms and mercenary hackersby Verga EnricoBerlaymont The European resetby Cerretelli AdrianaAfrica The Sub-Saharan slideby Joveneau Marie A vicious circleby Bono AnnaWorld economy Globalization’s new lookby Zatta DaniloPotomac watch The American Dream getting weirder and weirderby Cianfanelli RenzoThe Orientalist Damned if you do, damned if you don’tby Tramballi UgoFeatured briefing Transport in China’s smart citiesby Franciosi Fabrizio Crosstown trafficby Joveneau Marie Changing gears on congestionby Corrado Clini and Arvea MarieniLatin America Not an easy fixby Labartino Massimo The end of the Pink Waveby Stefanini MaurizioMegaphone The tweeter might be mightier than the wonkby Comin GianlucaWarming bloopers The death of Lake Poopòby Clini CarloChosen words Fear of progressby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Exoplanetsby Bini FedericoCover story Post-racial racism in Americaby Luczkiw Stash Sex, lies and political posturingby Cingolani Stefano American mood swingsby Joveneau Marie Groping for democracyby Vaccari Lanfranco