Issue #34Jan 2014 Leaders A new dream for Europeby Letta Enrico Don’t get distracted, Americaby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen Afghanistan stands on its ownby Mona MarcoCharted territories The beauty of duplicityby Jacobs FrankTalking heads Sub-Saharan hotspotsby Finelli CarmineWorld money The transatlantic trade tightropeby Savona PaoloSmart thinking The urban sprawlby Broggi DaniloThe year of Europe As the euro tries to emergeby Lombardi Domenico Financing a smooth transitionby Quattrociocche Enzo Investing in a united Europeby Scannapieco Dario Making Europe’s energy countby Comin Gianluca Divided Kingdomby House Euan As Britain eyes the exitsby Maisano Leonardo Xenophobia at the pollsby Caldwell Christopher Variations on the welfare stateby Pennisi Giuseppe Fighting a good, clean fightby Stefanini Stefano Back to the bare essentialsby Vaccari LanfrancoGlobal farming Food evolutionby Verga EnricoFarming the worldby Joveneau Marie Plenty for allby Cingolani StefanoUkraine Ukraine on the edgeby Luczkiw StashNew frontiers If the wave breaksby Mona MarcoBerlaymont Hard times aheadby Cerretelli AdrianaPotomac watch Obama looks for New Year’s resolutionsby Molinari MaurizioWarming bloopers From global warming to Ice Ageby Clini CarloChosen wordsThe legacy of Nelson Mandelaby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Slaves among usby Bini Federico