Issue #62Jul 2016 Leaders Fanciful politicsby Bianco PialuisaWidescreen Images from thin airby Mona MarcoCharted territories Why Germany and Sweden have the world's best passportsby Jacobs FrankTalking heads French dog bedsby Franciosi FabrizioWorld money Turning a blind eye to the problemby Savona PaoloSmart thinking Helicopter money: look out below!by Broggi DaniloEU court reviews gas cap EU court reviews gas capby Porcellana FedericaUS Elections No more Mr. Nice Guysby Luczkiw StashDemocracy Information,freedom and responsibilityby Spingardi RobertoCulture Stealing cultureby Proietti Giuseppe When art gets caught in warby Franciosi FabrizioNew frontiers Health and the Big Data revolutionby Pani LucaBerlaymont Europe's big fat British divorceby Cerretelli AdrianaPotomac watch The end of the American dream?by Cianfanelli RenzoThe Orientalist The post-Ottoman syndromeby Tramballi UgoEurope Austria infelixby Monaldi Rita The May of French discontentby Rosso RenzoFeatured briefing Towards a circular economyby Porcellana Federica Fossil fuels still ruleby Joveneau Marie Walking the walk on the environmentby Clini CorradoMegaphone Europe's soft powerby Comin GianlucaWarming bloopers Don't mention the climateby Clini CarloChosen words Brexit, actuallyby Stefanini MaurizioNumbers Hope in the fight against AIDSby Bini FedericoCover story Britons leave Europe to the Last Menby Cingolani Stefano