Hermann Simon Author is the chairman of the consulting firm Simon-Kucher & Partners Articles World economy Negative pricesLongitude #61 Rethink your pricing strategy, now. Rethink your pricing strategy, now.Longitude #59 Inside business Germany’s winning secretLongitude #58 Inside business Leadership and innovationLongitude #57 Inside business The delayed revolutionLongitude #56 Inside business Germany does not exportLongitude #55 Inside business Why Germany needs the TTIPLongitude #54 Inside business Some clarifications about 2025Longitude #53 Inside business Putting the Global 500 into perspectiveLongitude #52 Inside business More, more, but not too muchLongitude #51 Inside business Two train giants are better than oneLongitude #50 The sliding euro Pricing euro-dollar parityLongitude #49 Europe Germany’s bucolic expertiseLongitude #44 Europe The new power centerLongitude #43 Europe Germany does it different, and betterLongitude #42 Avoiding the dark Poor RussiaLongitude #38 De-globalized manufacturing At your serviceLongitude #31 Germany Too innovative, too productiveLongitude #28 Business culture Making brain capital workLongitude #27 Transatlantic relations Asia can waitLongitude #23 Europe The dangerous innovation gulfLongitude #21 Europe The secrets of Germany’s successLongitude #21 Wealth protection The eclipse of trustLongitude #20 Africa Eurafrica vs. ChimericaLongitude #19