No world for male candidates

According to the UN, the current representation of women in decision-making governmental bodies is still very low and is far from reaching 30%, which is considered the minimum percentage required to influence decision-making processes and political agendas. Thus it is surprising that in the last year, a wave of female presidential candidates have been running in various countries scattered all over the world. One of them, Yingluck Shinawatra, succeeded and is set to become the first female prime minister of Thailand. For the others, the road is uncertain and may be still long and tortuous, partly because some of the candidacies are rather controversial. Notwithstanding the results, the increase in number of female candidates can already be considered a success, as an example and an inspiration to many other women. As the late Geraldine Ferraro – the first woman to run for vice president in the US, who recently passed away – said, “Every time a woman runs, women win.”